GLL - Genesis Labels Limited
GLL stands for Genesis Labels Limited
Here you will find, what does GLL stand for in Textiles under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Genesis Labels Limited? Genesis Labels Limited can be abbreviated as GLL What does GLL stand for? GLL stands for Genesis Labels Limited. What does Genesis Labels Limited mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Leeds, Leeds engaged in textiles industry.
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Alternative definitions of GLL
- Gol, Norway
- Galaxie Little League
- Guardian Life Limited
- Get Living London
- Great Lakes Loons
- Gardner Leader LLP
- Gardner Leader LLP
- Gala Leisure Limited
View 70 other definitions of GLL on the main acronym page
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- GHA Gainesville Housing Authority
- GTA Golden Trailer Awards
- GES Greenleaf Elementary School
- GWM Gamma Wealth Management
- GFR Gym Floor Resource
- GNS Golden Nails Salon
- GWH Great Wall Hiking
- GPS Global People Solutions
- GFPS GF Piping Systems
- GIPL Genuine Infotech Private Ltd
- GB Giving the Basics
- GL The Giving Lens
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